Summary of Worldwide Experience
Click on a country for more information
Geoservices SA
Kelt UK Ltd
Bow Valley Petroleum (UK) Ltd
Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd
Geoservices SA
Bow Valley Petroleum (UK) Ltd
Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd
Geoservices SA
Deering Petrophysical Ltd
Middle East
Geoservices SA
Geoservices SA
Talisman Energy Inc
Geoservices SA
Saudi Aramco
Far East
Talisman Malaysia Ltd
Talisman Malaysia Ltd
Geoservices SA
Kelt UK Ltd
Scott Pickford Ltd
Talisman Energy Inc
Talisman Energy Inc
Talisman Energy Inc
Deering Petrophysical Ltd
Bow Valley Petroleum (UK) Ltd United Kingdom | Netherlands
Deering Petrophysical Ltd Italy | South Africa | Vietnam
Geoservices SA United Kingdom | Netherlands | Spain | Egypt | United Arab Emirates | Qatar | North Yemen
Kelt UK Ltd United Kingdom | Gabon
Saudi Aramco Saudi Arabia
Scott Pickford Ltd Tunisia
Talisman Energy Inc Sudan | Uganda | Sierra Leone | Qatar | Canada | Alaska | Trinidad | Gulf of Mexico | Peru | Colombia
Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd United Kingdom | Netherlands
Talisman Malaysia Ltd Malaysia | Vietnam
United Kingdom

Geoservices SA 1984–89
Mudlogger, Data Engineer 1987-1989
Southern, Central and Northern North Sea
Morcambe Bay
Kelt (UK) Ltd 1991
Geologist 1991
Onshore UK – Play Geologist. (Humbly Grove)
Offshore UK – Play Geologist. Block 43/22 in UKCS
Bow Valley Petroleum (UK) Ltd 1991–1994
Geologist 1991-1993
Offshore UK, Southern Gas Basin - Operations Geologist, Wireline Logging QA/QC, Blocks 43/22, 43/21a, 43/44, 50/26a
Petrophysicist 1993-1994
Southern Gas Basin, tight gas sands. Blocks 43/22, 43/21a, 43/44, 50/26a
Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd 1994–1998
Petrophysicist & Head of Operations Geology 1994-1998
Responsible for running the Operations Geology Group
Wireline Logging QA/QC
Development Petrophysics (Ross, Beatrice, Buchan, Clyde)
Geoservices SA 1984–1989
Mudlogger 1985
Onshore Development wells
Deering Petrophysical Ltd
Petrophysicist 2017–present
Client: Delta Energy
Po Valley
Review of five wells in the Bagnolo and Ravizza fields
Carbonate analysis
Core integration
Geoservices SA 1984–1989
Mudlogger 1985
Offshore Development wells

Geoservices SA 1984–1989
Mudlogger 1986
Offshore Development wells – Red Sea (Ramadan)
Kelt (UK) Ltd 1991
Geologist 1991
Operations Geologist, Wellsite Geologist, Wireline Logging QA/QC (BM-1)
Presented well results to Ministry of Petroleum and Hydrocarbons

Scott Pickford 1990
Geologist 1990
Tunisia. Updating company review summary of Tunisian oil & gas industry
Talisman Energy Ltd 2006–2012
Petrophysicist 2010
Wellsite coring & logging operations QA/QC
Taught two day log quality control course in Khartoum
Talisman Energy Ltd 2006–2012
Petrophysicist 2011
Assigned to the New Ventures team looking at a farm-in opportunity
Data acquisition, interpretation & presentation to CEO and senior management

Sierra Leone
Talisman Energy Ltd 2006–2012
Petrophysicist 2012
Project petrophysicist for deep water operated offshore well
Planned exploration well logging programs & QC’d the data
Interpreted operated well log data from turbidite sequence
South Africa
Deering Petrophysical Ltd
Petrophysicist 2017–present
Client: Impact Oil & Gas
South Outeniqua deep water basin
Petrophysical analysis of exploration well
Clastic sequence
United Arab Emirates
Geoservices SA 1984–1989
Mudlogger 1984
Offshore Development wells – Various Fields (Satah, Zukum, Abu Al Bukhoosh, Umm Shaif)
Geoservices SA 1984–1989
Mudlogger 1986
Onshore Development wells – Dukan Field
Talisman Energy Ltd 2006–2012
Exploration Petrophysicist 2010–2011
Assigned as Petrophysicist to the Qatar Block TQ Exploration Team
Examined offset wells and supported play geologist/geophysicist
Electro-facies identification though core-log integration and mapping of results
Planned exploration well logging programs & QC’d the data
Interpreted operated well log data
Presented petrophysical interpretations to the government

North Yemen
Geoservices SA 1984–1989
Mudlogger 1986–1987
Onshore Development wells – Alif Field
Onshore Exploration wells – various
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Aramco 2013–2017
Petrophysicist (Petroleum Engineering Specialist) 2013–2015
Assigned to Northern Area Petrophysical Unit (NAPU)
Development Petrophysicist, wireline & LWD, for operated offshore wells.
Marjan, Safaniya, Zuluf, Manifa, Abu Sa’fah, Berri
Development petrophysicist for operated onshore wells
Shaybah, Qatif, Khursaniyah, Fadhili, Abu Hadriya
Liaised with contractors and recommended open hole formation evaluation programs covering wireline, PCL and LWD conveyance
Clastic analysis included deterministic and probabilistic techniques as well as saturation height analysis and covered conventional sands, shaly sands and thin bedded sections
Carbonate analysis included deterministic and probabilistic techniques, core - log facies analysis and covered conventional carbonates, low porosity tight carbonates and low resistivity pay carbonates. Two specific field studies undertaken to address this issue
Core-log integration studies. Lead petrophysicist for study on the identification of clay types and their effects on facies and reservoir properties in a clastic reservoir
Formation pressure data acquisition planning and interpretation
Qualified, to Saudi Aramco standards, Baker Hughes TesTrak and Halliburton MCI tools
Mentoring graduate petrophysicists
NAPU Team Leader 2015–2017
Supervised the petrophysicists working for the Northern Area development fields by carrying the responsibility for ensuring interpretations delivered to clients were correct and timely. This involved providing quality control on the interpretations, assigning rigs and managing their workloads.
Mentoring graduate petrophysicists
Liaising with contractors.
Troubleshooting: analyses, software issues, contract issues, personnel issues.
Instructor 2015-2017
Assigned instructor for 5 day Saudi Aramco course – Openhole Logging Tools and Applications. Presented four times over two years
Talisman Energy Ltd. 1999–2002 & 2006–2012
Petrophysicist 1999–2002
Exploration & Development Wells – Domestic Assets
Lac La Bische, Whitecourt, Foothills, Turner Valley
Shallow, 600m-1500m, oil and gas clastic plays​
Deep, 3000m+, foothills carbonates involving image and fracture analysis
Wireline Analysis
“Old Logs” interpretation
Designed an analysis program (Excel based) for simple, fast and accurate Quicklook analysis for the shallow wells
Petrophysicist 2006–2012
Exploration & Development Wells – International Assets
Alaska, Trinidad, Qatar​, Peru, Colombia
New Ventures
Uganda, Gulf of Mexico, Sierra Leone​
Taught one and two day basic log interpretation courses
Subject Matter Expert – peer review team​
Talisman Energy Ltd 2006–2012
Petrophysicist 2006–2011
Alaska 2006–2010
Assigned to Alaska Evaluation & Development team
Development field petrophysics
Aklaq, Aklaqyaak, Amaguq
Exploration petrophysics
Smith Bay, Kugrua, Inigok, East Simpson, Susie
Shaly Sand Analysis
Thin Bed Analysis
LWD Data Analysis & Integration
"Old Logs" interpretation
Gulf of Mexico 2011
Part of team to evaluate entry into GoM play
Evaluated deep water pre- and post-salt plays

Talisman Energy Ltd 2006–2012
Operations Geologist & Petrophysicist 2010
Offshore non-operated exploration well
Clastic sequence. Basic analysis

Talisman Energy (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 2002–2006
Petrophysicist & Operations Geologist 2002–2006​​
- South China Sea
Development Petrophysics (Bunga Raya, Bunga Kekwa, Bunga Seroja, Bunga Orkid, Bunga Pakma)
Exploration & Appraisal Petrophysics (South Angsi)
Shaly Sand Analysis
LWD Data Analysis & Integration
Core – Log integration
Saturation Height Modelling
Cased hole formation evaluation (initial run of Cased Hole Formation Resistivity tool)
- South China Sea
Talisman Energy (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 2002-2006
Petrophysicist 2003–2006
South China Sea
Exploration Petrophysics (Block 46 Cai Nuoc, Block 15–2 Thang Long)
Shaly Sand Analysis
Core – Log integration
Saturation Height Modelling
Basement Petrophysics (created custom built cross plot charts for porosity determination)
Deering Petrophysical Ltd
Petrophysicist 2017–present
Client: Jadestone Energy Inc.
South China Sea
Petrophysical evaluation of two exploration wells (Nam Du, U Minh)
Clastic sequence

Talisman Energy Ltd 2006–2012
Petrophysicist & Operations Geologist 2008–2011
Maranon Basin
Exploration Petrophysics (Huitoyacu, Pupuntas, Capahari, Catapiza, Runtasapa Tambo, Ungumaya, Yanez)
Development Petrophysics (Situche)
Shaly Sand Petrophysics
Core – Log integration
Saturation Height Modelling
Wireline Logging QA/QC
Talisman Energy Ltd 2006–2012
Petrophysicist 2008–2012
Llanos Region Foothills
Development Petrophysics (Huron)
Deep Tight Gas Sand Analysis
Core – Log integration
Llanos Basin 2008–2012
Exploration Petrophysics (Segua)
Development Petrophysics (Akacias)
Shallow Heavy Oil Analysis
Core – Log integration